BFB 1 - 11ml | Supreme Nutrition Products

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BFB-1 and BFB-2 are two separate essential oils blends. Their main purpose is to help degrade biofilms, interfere with communication between microbes, enhance penetration of concurrently used antimicrobials and act as antimicrobials themselves. We decided to produce two overlapping formulas and prescribe via our testing results. Some patients will need one of them while more chronic patients may need both simultaneously.

BFB-1 consists of a proprietary blend of the following essential oils:  Piper nigrum, Rosmarinus officinalis, Syzygium aromaticum l.,and Origanum compactum benth. 

BFB-2 consists of a proprietary blend of the following essential oils:  Eucalyptus globules, Citrus reticulata blanco var tangerina, Boswellia carterii, and Thymus vulgaris.

A biofilm is a negatively charged group of cells which produce a matrix of extracellular polymeric substance and adhere to each other. Biofilms can also be referred to as “bacterial slime”, and are generally composed of extracellular DNA, proteins, polysaccharides, fibrin, microbes, minerals and heavy metals.

A biofilm can be comprised of multiple microbes; bacteria, viral, protozoa, parasite, and fungus that cohabitate and engage in “quorum sensing”, a form of communication used for sharing information and mutual survival. A Lyme Disease researcher in New York also demonstrated that Borrelia species not only produce biofilm, but can live in the community in any form (i.e., spirochete, cell wall deficient, spheroblast, and cyst). Additionally, other associated bacteria such as Babesia, Bartonella, Ehrlichia, Anaplasma, and Mycoplasma species can inhabit these communities as well. The biofilm is used to both protect the bacteria from the host’s immune system and most antimicrobial agents, while also serving as a nutritional reservoir in times of need. It’s an efficient way to ensure that many microbes of a certain species survive, thrive, replicate and avoid attack. 

Candida albicans is also known to produce biofilm colonies as do many other potentially health-affecting microbes. Dental plaque is an example of a biofilm. The “plaque” material that adheres to the teeth is made up of bacterial cells (mainly Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus sanguinis), salivary polymers and bacterial extracellular products. The accumulation of microorganisms subjects the teeth and gums to high amounts of bacterial metabolites which results in dental disease.

Biofilms are said to be anchored at certain places by positively charged ions including: calcium, magnesium, mercury, lead, etc. This may be why when a patient undergoes heavy metal chelation, they often experience an exacerbation of symptoms. Chelation of minerals and metals can destabilize biofilm (EDTA can degrade biofilm), rendering the inhabiting bacteria more vulnerable to the host’s immune system and antimicrobial substances.

Biofilms have been found to be involved in a large percentage of bodily infections. Chronic sinusitis patients undergoing surgery presented with biofilms approximately 80% of the time. Other infectious processes in which biofilms have been implicated include problems such as urinary tract infections, catheter infections, middle-ear infections, endocarditis, Lyme disease and its co-infections, infections in cystic fibrosis, and infections of permanent indwelling devices such as joint prostheses and heart valves. More recently it has been noted that bacterial biofilms may impair cutaneous wound healing and reduce topical antibacterial efficiency in healing or treating infected skin wounds.

Current treatments for biofilms include proteolytic enzymes (serrapeptase/lumbrakinase/nattokinase) which are very effective at dissolving mucopolysaccharides. N-acetylcysteine and lactoferrin also may cause biofilm degradation. Other products used to degrade biofilms include EDTA (calcium, heavy metal removal), and silica (In vitro studies show biofilms do not grow on silicone rubber.) The problem with these agents in our opinion is that none are highly antimicrobial and as a result can result in microbes being released into the systemic circulation and causing problems far removed from their original site as well as acute exacerbation of existing low level conditions. We have seen patients end up with serious complications from using these agents as a result of “freeing” microbes that were living with the biofilm and were now released. Select essential oils, on the other hand, are equally effective in biofilm degradation. Some are able to penetrate the biofilm layer as well as interrupt “quorum sensing”, and kill a broad spectrum of microbes. We have found them to be the most effective biofilm degraders with the least amount of potential negative side effects due to their antimicrobial properties.

As the biofilm diminishes, endotoxins, mycotoxins, etc. secreted or excreted by microbes that are contained within the matrix, are then released into the bloodstream. This can cause a “Herxheimer” effect. We believe in minimizing this due to the damage done by this type of  inflammatory reaction. A remnant of the sticky biofilm probably facilitates toxins adhering to tissue surfaces and blood vessel endothelium, forming viscous (thick) or hypercoagulable blood. Ideally a combination of biofilm degraders, herbal antimicrobial agents and herbal blood thinners can make a good combination to treat this growing issue.

​​Supreme Nutrition, through clinical research along with an extensive literature review, has developed two essential oil blends that appear to have biofilm degrading abilities. Clinical trials with these, along with Supreme antimicrobials (Morinda, Melia, Golden Thread, Illicium, Vital Guard, Schisandra) and detoxification agents (Takesumi, Schisandra, Camu, Smilax) have proven to be a potent combination to help chronic patients with long-standing low grade infections involving biofilms.

Physicians utilizing applied kinesiology and other energetic testing methods to treat what appears to be Lyme and its co-infections, fungal issues, etc. have found that the addition of these essential oil products has assisted patients with previously hard to eliminate problems.

We find that topical application is best, rubbing 1 drop into 2 or 3 areas on each side of the body (for example: ear lobe, thumb and bottom of the foot) twice daily. This is done bilaterally with either one of the products or one on each side of the body (as testing dictates). If severe  Herxheimer  reactions occur we would consider decreasing the dose of either of these products or the antimicrobials prescribed. The above dose appears to be an ideal amount for most patients. We have not seen it, but with essential oils there is always a possibility of developing a rash. Should that happen discontinue use.

Key Features

Primary usage:

  • Biofilms
  • Antimicrobials
  • Quorum Sensing


Nutritional Information: Food Supplement
Daily Dose % Reference Intake
BFB-1™ Proprietary Blend 11 ml
containing Piper nigrum
containing Rosmarinus officinalis
containing Syzygium aromaticum l.
containing Origanum compactum Benth.
† Reference Intake not established.


BFB-1™ Proprietary Blend, Piper nigrum, Rosmarinus officinalis, Syzygium aromaticum l., Origanum compactum Benth.

Important Information


  • If pregnant or breastfeeding consult your doctor before use.
  • Not Recommended if heart conditions are present.
  • Individuals with seafood allergies should not take this product. 

Dosage & Storage Information


Day 1: Place 1 drop on the bottom of each big toe, morning and evening.

Day 2: Continue to apply one drop on the bottom of each big toe, and add 1 drop on each thumb pad morning and evening.

Day 3: In addition to the big toes and thumbs, apply 1 drop on back of each ear lobe, morning and evening.

What is 1 drop? - What we recommend for dosage is taking your finger and putting on top of bottle, flipping it over, then back. Whatever is on your finger is approximately one drop. 

If well tolerated after a few days, oils can be applied directly to areas of concern, but only externally. If a rash develops, try using a carrier oil such as coconut or olive. Mix the BFB oils with the carrier oil, then apply.

If using both BFB-1 and BFB-2 at the same time, alternate BFB-1 on one side of the body and BFB-2 on the other as directed above.

Children under 12:

1 drop onto the sole of one foot, once daily for the first 3 days, and if tolerated, increase to one drop on the bottom of both feet twice daily. If using both oils, put one drop of BFB1 on sole of right foot, and one drop of BFB2 on sole of left foot once a day. If tolerated, increase to twice daily, alternating feet each time.